Peace Lily Plant Care Guide

Originally found in the tropics, the Peace Lilies a wonderful house plants in the NZ. They’re easy to look after and provide years of enjoyment all while purifying the air in your home. It grows best in shade, so it is suitable for indoors.

How to care for a Peace Lily

Peace lilies are ideal for keeping in the home or office. They like low light and are hardy once they’ve adjusted to their environment. Here you’ll find details on how to care for a peace lily houseplant

Peace Lily Plant Soil

Because the peace lily requires very little to thrive, it is relatively low maintenance and will not require the frequent monitoring that other plants need. In nature, peace lilies grow in rainforest soils that are well-draining and enriched by lots of decaying matter. So for peace lily houseplants, use a loamy, well-draining potting mixture that’s rich in organic matter. By definition, loamy soils are friable, possessing a mixture of clay, sand, and humus (and/or silt) Repotting annually in the spring is good for the peace lily, as the plant will appreciate the refreshed soil

Peace Lily Lighting

As you would usually find peace lily plants growing across the rainforest floor, they require bright, indirect light with dappled, gentle sunlight. Set your peace lily 6-8 feet away from a window that lets in some sunlight during the day. Although peace lilies need little light to survive, they will grow stronger and bloom more if you give them brighter conditions.

Peace Lily Humidity

Plants need consistent temperature and humidity to stay healthy. Fluctuations in temperature and cold drafts can cause stress to your peace lily plants, so if you plan on keeping your house relatively cool throughout the year, you should keep this in mind when selecting a plant for your home. Your plant will appreciate the temperature stays as constant as possible. Fluctuations in temperature or cold drafts can cause the plant stress. Spritzing them every couple of days is the perfect way to keep the air around them hydrated.


If you struggle with how often your indoor plants should be watered, then a peace lily will be a great option for you. When the plant starts to droop, it’s time to water it. Peace lilies like wet soil but don’t like sitting in water. Check the soil once a week and make sure to add water once the first inch of soil has started to feel dry.

Pruning Peace Lily Plants

As peace lilies are a foliage plant, they require very little when it comes to pruning. All you need to do is remove any dead or dying leaves to keep the plant at optimum health.

Signs you need to repot:

If your peace lily is showing any of the symptoms below, you should consider repotting it.

  • The stems and leaves are starting to look overcrowded
  • Roots are starting to become visible above the potting soil
  • Yellowing leaves
  • Need watering more often

What Is Another Name For A Peace Lily?

A plant with a number of names, the Spathiphyllum is known as the peace lily, spathe flower, white sails, snowflower, or simply by the genus name Spathiphyllum.

We hope you’ve found this article about peace lily care useful and that your plants stay healthy and thrive.

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