Each Florist's Choice Bouquet is one-of-a-kind. The appearance of your bouquet will depend on the choice of fresh flowers in the shop, the inspiration of the florist, and the muse who sows the pollen of flower design. One thing is for sure - the flowers will make the recipient happy. Note: The photo is illustrative. The sample image gives you an idea of the color scheme, size and selection of flowers.
More Info
Delivery fees are included in the item price
For same-day delivery, order before 3pm New Zealand time, Monday - Friday and 11am NZ time on Saturday
Due to seasonal conditions and availability, substitutions may be made with flowers of a similar look and value. Some blooms may be delivered in bud for longevity
All orders include a service fee of $20
You will be charged in the currency you have chosen to display
During peak seasons and holidays, bouquets may be delivered early
Have a question? Contact us through LiveChat or email orders@interflora.co.nz
Make it extra special
Summer Bouquet
Price: NZD
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Summer Bouquet
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