The FTD Well Done Bouquet brings together bright roses and sunny Asiatic lilies to congratulate your special recipient on a job well done! Pink roses, green Fuji chrysanthemums, pink Peruvian lilies, yellow Asiatic lilies and lush greens create a colorful, celebratory flower bouquet arranged within a clear glass cubed vase to add to the festivities of their happy day. Professionally arranged and delivered by a local florist in Mexico.
More Info
Delivery fees are included in the item price
For same-day delivery, order before 3pm New Zealand time, Monday - Friday and 11am NZ time on Saturday
Due to seasonal conditions and availability, substitutions may be made with flowers of a similar look and value. Some blooms may be delivered in bud for longevity
All orders include a service fee of $20
You will be charged in the currency you have chosen to display
During peak seasons and holidays, bouquets may be delivered early
Have a question? Contact us through LiveChat or email
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The FTD Well Done Bouquet
Price: NZD
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The FTD Well Done Bouquet
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