Leave it to the experts with our Florist Choice Pastel Bouquet. A one-of-a-kind bouquet of flowers, created by an artisan florist. Crafted using the freshest flowers available on the day, so while your flowers may look different to the one pictured, it’ll still be just as lovely. Please note: We will do our best to create a similar styled bouquet as pictured, although colours and exact flowers will vary as we move through the ever-changing flower seasons.
More Info
If you place an order before 2pm, Monday - Friday and 11am on Saturday, our florist will deliver your order almost anywhere on that day (gift boxes excluded).
Due to seasonal conditions and availability, substitutions may be made with flowers or products of a similar type and value.
Some blooms may be delivered in bud for longevity.
Gift Boxes including alcohol can only be sold to people 18 years or older.
All orders include a service fee of $14.
Standard delivery is $15. Additional delivery charges apply to some areas and will be calculated at checkout.
You will be charged in the currency you have chosen to display
Have a question? Contact us through LiveChat or email orders@interflora.co.nz
Pastel Bouquet
Price: NZD
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Pastel Bouquet
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